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Lubavitch of Wisconsin

A Letter for the Community

Dear Friends, Wisconsin Jewry,


The massacre of innocent Jews in Israel is as unfathomable today as it was two weeks ago. For so many, seeing the news and the moral relativism from some public and academic figures has only added more trauma. The inability of so many to straightforwardly and unequivocally condemn these evil acts leaves us shocked and enraged.


So many have reached out, describing the feelings of isolation and helplessness, with others looking for how to respond.


My dear friends, the Jewish people have defied all odds and logic throughout history, to persist and thrive in the face of those who have tried to destroy us, for we are a people not by land or by might or numbers or public opinion; but by our bond with the Al-mighty who vested us with our peoplehood and our G-dly spiritual essence and shared heritage.


It is this very G-dliness, moral clarity, and Jewish heritage that our enemies hate and wish to extinguish. The very existence of the Jew, despite all odds, attests to G-d - a Power that is not impressed by numbers or public opinion. By strengthening our bond with G-d, we strengthen the people and the security of Israel. We also strengthen our bonds as a people - here, and around the world, and we uplift our brothers and sisters in Israel through the open display of our Jewish identity - the performance of mitzvot.


For Jews here who feel isolated, remember we are all family! The one thing our enemies got right is that we are all equally Jewish. But instead of hiding, it's time for us to all come out and proclaim loud and clear - I'm a Jew, and I'm proud, and we will not be cowed!


In light of the above, we are launching a three-part Mitzvah campaign of Jewish identity and pride. In past conflicts, the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of saintly memory, encouraged the performance of Mitzvot - each bearing a unique spiritual power - to assist in the defense of the land of Israel, to overcome our enemies and to strengthen Jewish unity.


Starting today, for the next two weeks, we will seek to encourage - at least 1400[1] individuals - men to lay tefillin[2], and women to light Shabbat candles[3]. (We will also assist those who wish to purchase tefillin and commit to wearing them on weekdays.)


In the two weeks after that, we will focus on encouraging at least 220[4] households to affix Kosher Mezuzos[5] upon their homes.


The final phase will be two weeks of completing the writing of a Unity Torah Scroll[6] for Israel, seeing to it that each and every Jew in Wisconsin takes part by acquiring one letter in the collective Torah Scroll for Israel.

Please look to for campaign resources and use the hashtag #JewAreTheLight when participating to help spread the message.

In dark times, our light shines brightest. Let us turn pain into purpose, isolation into unity. With faith and courage, and our heads held high, we will prevail.


Am Yisroel Chai!


Rabbi Yisroel Shmotkin

Lubavitch of Wisconsin

For we are a people not by land or by might or numbers or public opinion; but by our bond with the Al-mighty who vested us with our peoplehood and our G-dly spiritual essence and shared heritage.

In dark times, our light shines brightest. Let us turn pain into purpose, isolation into unity. With faith and courage, and our heads held high, we will prevail.

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[1] The number of known killed in the Simchat Torah, Oct 7, massacre. May G-d avenge their blood.

[2] Tefillin about which the verse (Deut –) says - The nations of the world will see the name of G-d upon you and they will fear you. The Talmud explains that when you wear Tefillin, this sows fear in the hearts of your enemy.

[3] Upon lighting the shabbat candles we say Shabbat Shalom! For Shabbat candles usher peace into the individual’s home and to the world at large.

[4] The current number of known hostages held in Gaza. May G-d preserve them, and return them intact to their families.

[5] Mezuzah has always carried the concept of G-d’s protection. In fact, on the Mezuzah is written a name of G-d SHADAI - an Acrynom for Shomer Daltot Yisroel - the guardian of the doors of Israel -

[6] The Torah scroll expresses the unity of the Jewish people. In fact YISROEL in Hebrew is an acronym for Yesh Shishim Ribu Osios Latorah - there are 600,000 letters in the Torah - one for every original Jew and all of their offspring for all time. Only when all are present, is it a valid “Kosher”, scroll.





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